
July 25th, 2010 No comments

We had a sudden cloudburst yesterday. It passed quickly, leaving a lot of water on the ground and sunny skies above. Perfect for splashing in warm puddles.

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July 25th, 2010 5 comments

Nathan and Joss at Comic-Con.

Oh, Nathan. You kidder.

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Attn: Mac Safari 4 or 5 users

July 22nd, 2010 No comments

If, like me, you are a Macintosh user who uses Safari version 4 or 5 to browse the web, you may wish to know that apparently there is a security issue with having AutoFill turned on. Fortunately, until this issue is corrected, you can easily plug the hole by turning AutoFill off. Here’s how to do that.

Everybody else, carry on!

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Side-Talks With Girls

July 22nd, 2010 4 comments

And now, direct from 1897, it’s time for…

Today’s missive comes all the way from Deadwood, South Dakota.
Take it away, MAY!

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Side-Talks With Girls

July 21st, 2010 3 comments

And now, direct from 1897, it’s time for…

Today’s missive comes from a reader who wishes to remain anonymous.
Take it away, Etiquette Queen!

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Side-Talks With Girls

July 20th, 2010 2 comments

And now, direct from 1897, it’s time for…

Today’s missive comes from Barry.
Take it away, Barry!

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Side-Talks With Girls

July 19th, 2010 1 comment

Welcome to a new feature, which will run daily until I run out of responses or until I get tired of doing it, whichever comes first. Fresh from the July 1897 Ladies’ Home Journal, I bring you…

Young ladies write in with questions, and Ruth writes back discreet responses on proper etiquette and fashion.

Today is a response to “Mattie.” I can only assume that Mattie wrote about some really sweet piece of wedding bling. Ruth has a definite opinion.

So there you have it. Just like that, Ruth dashes Mattie’s hopes sets Mattie straight. If you like it then you should put a ring on it, but not too big a ring, because that would be gauche.

Until next time!

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1897 G-D Bicycle Waist

July 19th, 2010 No comments

1897 GD Bicycle Waist
From July 1897 Ladies’ Home Journal. In addition to the usual soaps and baby foods, this issue was full of ads for bicycles, bicycle accessories, and “modern” undergarments.

Rock those bloomers, liberated lady.

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The proper use of the white paintbrush tool.

July 18th, 2010 No comments

eggplant 1eggplant 1 face

At least the deer haven’t gotten the eggplant yet. Although the eggplant do have a defense mechanism. Who could eat something with a face like that?

I’ve had some trouble sleeping lately and have been waking up with a sore back and neck. We’ve had our current mattress for about eleven years now, so it may be time to get a new one. Financially, though, this isn’t the best moment, since we have a beach trip coming up. So today I think we’ll flip the mattress and see if that helps. It certainly can’t hurt.

Other than that, though, I’m feeling good and smiling like an eggplant.

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The game’s afoot!

July 16th, 2010 3 comments

hoofprintsdeer tomato
I went out to water the tomatoes this morning and found this. A pair of deer hoofprints, and a couple of feet in front of them, an opening in the tomato leaves and a half-eaten tomato still on the vine. I’m trying to connect the dots here… hmmm….

We had a similar “day after” tale told last year. They would try the tomatoes and scamper off. Then one day we found a couple of half-eaten tomatoes, then a half-eaten pepper, then they never bothered us again. Obviously next year we need to plant something really spicy with the mix.

As for this year, I think our corn doesn’t stand a chance.

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