
September 22nd, 2010 2 comments

over car spider
This little friend spun a web high above my car last week. Fine with me if it stays there. If we zoom in and bump up the contrast, we see…

over car spider caught

…many, many mosquitoes. Each one caught in a web isn’t biting me, so go to town, giant spider.

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Baby baby baby.

September 20th, 2010 No comments

xo baby sock half done

Em asked me to make something for one of her summer tutors who is going to have a baby.

Em requested baby socks and picked the pattern, XO for hugs and kisses. The baby is going to be a girl, but I dyed this yarn for Em when she said she wanted the socks to be light blue. The reason? “Ms. X has green eyes, and if the baby has green eyes too then the blue will look good.”

This kid’s got better fashion sense than I do.

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Call for Hewlett Packard!

September 19th, 2010 No comments

1945 Philip Morris

We got a scanner with our computer years ago, but it never worked properly. We also have a printer that is fast going belly up. A scanner would be a convenience, because it’s a pain in the neck to take photos of my old magazines. The printer, however, is more important, since I need to print patterns for the Jayne hat kits.

This weekend, flush with cash, we decided we were finally going to get a new printer/scanner/all-in-one combo. Before buying anything, we checked the footprint of the space we were going to put it. I started to clear off a space for it where the old scanner was, buried under piles of paper. Just for kicks, I checked the internet one more time and whaddya know. A new driver for the scanner. And by new, I mean it was uploaded in 2003.

Check it out. The scanner works. It’ll be cheaper to get a good printer that’s not also a scanner, so this is a good thing.

My vintage ads and the scanner and I are going to have a grand time. The old pulps, like the 1945 “True Experiences” magazine that this Philip Morris ad came from, weren’t made to last. The paper’s thin and the back side bleeds through on a scan. But hey, who cares? I’m scanning! Yay!

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September 19th, 2010 No comments

basil snail
Snail in the basil one morning last week. Summer’s not over yet.

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My typical day

September 16th, 2010 6 comments
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Mom ‘n’ grits.

September 12th, 2010 1 comment

Some things just make me smile.

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The Perfect Dress: Part Two

September 4th, 2010 11 comments

Now that we’ve all had a chance to marvel at the wonder and beauty of The Dress, the real question is, will I fit into it in time?
A long entry about what happened in the last eight weeks is under the cut.

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The Perfect Dress.

August 29th, 2010 7 comments

I am going to the Browncoat Ball in October. It’s a weekend-long event for fans of the late great science fiction TV show Firefly. The centerpiece is a fancy dress ball. Costumes and outfits appropriate to the Firefly show are encouraged. For ladies, appropriate dress usually consists of something incredibly frilly, often with a hoop skirt, or something Asian.

I’ve never gone to a Con. I’d like to, it just hasn’t been in the cards. But this event is about two miles from my house, and I’m a respected member of the fan community. I’ll be teaching a Jayne hat knitting class and I’m helping out on the steering committee. I’m definitely going.

Because I haven’t gone to a Con, it follows that I haven’t dressed up for one, either. Even for this event, I wasn’t inclined to spend money on an outfit that I would wear exactly once. But in July, that changed.
The Tale Of The Dress.

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My leg will be in its bunk.

August 28th, 2010 No comments

I was stamping up boxes and managed to mark my leg as originating in Canton. Oops.

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Shelob Pocket

August 26th, 2010 1 comment

Polly spider
A huge spider visits my daughter’s Polly Pocket store. The little plastic people must be terrified.
As for me, I’m filing this under “things that should not be in my house.”

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