2010 Browncoat Ball community

January 22nd, 2010 No comments

clean stamps

There is now a LJ community for the 2010 Browncoat Ball. The official site for the event should be up and running soon, but until then, it’s a good resource for getting answers.


There’s also a Facebook group you can join for the 2010 Browncoat Ball in Charlotte.

In crafty news, baby wipes work great for cleaning rubber stamps after stamping up Jayne hat boxes. I love those stamps, and want them to last as long as possible.

Gotta go – many, many kits and hats to send out.

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Smile and the world smiles with you.

January 17th, 2010 No comments

Greenway smile

The weather’s been beautiful the last couple of days, so I’ve seized the opportunity to run. Today I got dressed and walked out the door. It immediately started raining. Sighing, I turned around came back inside and worked more on our current home improvement project, painting the bathroom. My reward for being so industrious? Just as I finished, the rain stopped and the sun came out.

I geared back up and went out to the Greenway. Crossing a bridge, I couldn’t help but notice the stream, swollen from the rain. Little Sugar Creek was in as good a mood as I was. We smiled at each other for a moment, then I went on my way, spirits high for the rest of the day.

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Service with a smile.

January 14th, 2010 2 comments

Panera cookie
Last week I stopped by Panera Bakery. Their breakfast souffles are a guilty pleasure. I wasn’t in a big hurry, so I let someone in front of me in line. She ordered the last souffle. D’oh!

I really wanted that souffle, but I had to laugh about it. Some days, these things just happen. This morning I decided to try again. Yes! Full rack of souffles! I hadn’t even gotten to the register before the cashier, the same one who helped me last time, sent the manager over to pick out my souffle for me. She laughed with me about the experience, and, overhearing, the manager gave me a free cookie. It was barely 8am and that one experience put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.

Thanks, Panera cafe 1218 on Fairview, your awesome staff won my loyalty and made my day.

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January 11th, 2010 4 comments

Man, it’s cold in the den today. Why is it so cold? I mean, I know this is the coldest room in the house, but this seems colder than usual.

Why? Maybe because someone has parked her carcass directly in front of the heating vent.

cat cubby


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Protected: Wits end.

January 8th, 2010 Enter your password to view comments.

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January 8th, 2010 7 comments

bolt cozy 2

The old Impalement Prevention Device vanished, so I made a new one and tied it on with some spare Jayne yarn.

All I want is for that bolt to be noticed. I’d say this is noticeable.

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And it ain’t a fit night out… for man nor beast!

January 7th, 2010 No comments

Look, I’ve been waiting and waiting for some snow this winter and it just has not happened. Obviously Mother Nature needs some encouragement. To that end, I present the snowiest comedy this side of The Gold Rush. If you’ve got eighteen and a half minutes to kill, please enjoy the comic genius of W.C. Fields in the freakin’ hilarious classic, The Fatal Glass of Beer.

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You know, for kids!

January 5th, 2010 9 comments
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My Little Pony

December 30th, 2009 2 comments

I don’t know why My Little Pony had to be placed on a block of ice in a cup of water until the ice melted and it drowned.

And you know what? I don’t want to know.

The less I know, the safer I am.

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Cat bath

December 27th, 2009 4 comments

We keep our laundry detergent on the back of the washer, which is in our kitchen. The other day, while the machine was in its spin cycle, the detergent bottle vibrated off of the back of the washer and hit the floor. My husband and I were both in other rooms and didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t the first time that had happened. Unbeknownst to us, the bottle had landed directly on its lid. The bottle was full. A lagoon of detergent was slowly spreading across the kitchen floor.
And then hilarity ensued.

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