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Castle Waiting SQUEEEEEEEE!

It’s out! It’s out! It’s out!!

Castle Waiting is out!

I don’t know why Amazon says it’s not available yet, when I own my very own copy, purchased from Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find here in town. In fact, I got the last copy – ‘Heroes’ sold out the first day and are having to re-order. My only regret? Linda Medley’s Castle Waiting website says that her online store is temporarily closed, because I want to buy the colorplates to paste into my copy. Pretty pretty hardbound with built-in ribbon bookmark. I only wish it were larger so that the art could be better appreciated. But at 448 pages and 1.9 pounds, there’s a lot of content here to enjoy!

This would make a fantastic gift for someone who loves fairy tales, particularly for any young woman age 13 and up. I’m going to have to restrain myself from buying copies for everyone I know. There is a bit where the young woman who flees to the castle is running from her husband, and it’s implied that he hit her, but you never see it actually happen. In fact, you can see that bit in the sample chapter she’s got up on her site.

I’m particularly excited that it contains new material that wasn’t originally released with the comic series. Linda Medley stopped one issue shy of wrapping up a storyline (the one about the abbey for bearded women), which thankfully is completed here.

You know how big a deal Serenity was for Firefly fans, myself included? You know how people waited on line for the next Harry Potter book? This is every bit as big a deal for me, so I hope you will forgive my demented fangirl squealings. But this book is a beautiful, moving, family-friendly fairy tale. It manages to be clever, funny, and strong on faith, all without being cloying. If you’ve got a fantasy-loving gal in your life, consider this as a gift for her. If that fantasy lover is you, consider it as a gift for yourself.

I’ve got a $16 credit at Amazon.com, and it’s on sale for about $18, down from the $30 list price. I just may buy another copy.


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  1. May 24th, 2006 at 14:20 | #1

    Never heard of it before, but I have to say that it sounds interesting. I may have to check it out sometime…

    And it’s an awful pretty book. 🙂

  2. May 24th, 2006 at 14:20 | #2

    Never heard of it before, but I have to say that it sounds interesting. I may have to check it out sometime…

    And it’s an awful pretty book. 🙂

  3. May 24th, 2006 at 15:10 | #3

    Echo-ing the first poster’s thoughts – sounds good! Will have to check it out!

  4. May 24th, 2006 at 15:10 | #4

    Echo-ing the first poster’s thoughts – sounds good! Will have to check it out!

  5. May 24th, 2006 at 20:22 | #5

    Bah. The harcover is in the same general color/style of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I just saw the book and said OMG LAST ONE IS OUT!!11


  6. May 24th, 2006 at 20:22 | #6

    Bah. The harcover is in the same general color/style of A Series of Unfortunate Events. I just saw the book and said OMG LAST ONE IS OUT!!11


  7. May 24th, 2006 at 22:13 | #7

    Heh. Sorry. I haven’t read any of those.

  8. May 24th, 2006 at 22:13 | #8

    Heh. Sorry. I haven’t read any of those.

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