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So I’m zipping along on a sock, turned the heel, decreasing for the gusset on the instep, doing okay, not able to knit on it that much but still enjoying it…

…and then the cat craps on the pattern.

Stupid cat. I should take that stupid hat away from you.

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  1. August 19th, 2005 at 01:18 | #1

    Sorry, but BWAH! I’ve had puppies eat cross stitch patterns and wooden knitting needles. I can relate… Pets are so cute so we don’t kill them.

  2. August 19th, 2005 at 01:18 | #2

    Sorry, but BWAH! I’ve had puppies eat cross stitch patterns and wooden knitting needles. I can relate… Pets are so cute so we don’t kill them.

  3. August 19th, 2005 at 01:52 | #3

    Did it do this right in front of you?

    Our dog at a wooden toy top Chelle bought in Switzerland. It’s like they know it’ll annoy you most and then go ahead anyway…

  4. August 19th, 2005 at 01:52 | #4

    Did it do this right in front of you?

    Our dog at a wooden toy top Chelle bought in Switzerland. It’s like they know it’ll annoy you most and then go ahead anyway…

  5. August 19th, 2005 at 04:02 | #5

    It did and didn’t do this right in front of me.

    It didn’t do it when I was in the room… but my pattern had fallen to the floor under the computer table, and it DID do it where my feet would normally go when on the computer, literally right in front of me. Thank goodness I noticed the stench when I sat down. The story could have been a lot worse.

  6. August 19th, 2005 at 04:02 | #6

    It did and didn’t do this right in front of me.

    It didn’t do it when I was in the room… but my pattern had fallen to the floor under the computer table, and it DID do it where my feet would normally go when on the computer, literally right in front of me. Thank goodness I noticed the stench when I sat down. The story could have been a lot worse.

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