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I made my first pair of mittens! Not earth-shattering news, I know, but I’m proud.

The yarn is from Serendipity in South America, and I had been saving it for the right occasion. These mittens will be for my mom, who is getting married this month. I’m going to be making an additional pair in a complementary green for her fiancee, and a lover’s mitten, extra big with one green and one blue cuff so they can hold hands.


They’re warm aaaallll over!

(xposted to knitting and my own journal)

ETA: My mom now has my journal address, so Mom, if you’re reading this, I abandoned the plan upon learning that Dennis apparently hates all color. The fuddy duddy! Also, the mittens tend to fall off my my hands, so I know they’d fall off of yours. Well, it was a nice idea, anyway.

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