Home > Uncategorized > Whee!


December 15th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

Just this morning, on the way to take my daughter to school, I commented to my husband that I wished I had someplace to write down all my patterns, because I keep forgetting things like how many stitches to cast on on which needles to make the right sized hat. And what arrives in my mailbox today?

Knit: A Personal Handbook! Fresh from my wish list! This thing even has a built in needle sizer and gauge finder! I could not be more psyched! Thank you thank you thank you, chaospearl! You rock the Casbah!

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  1. December 16th, 2004 at 05:19 | #1

    Wheeee! Someone got my present! ::dances:: That just makes my day.

    Er, I mean… that must have been from Santa. Yeah. Santa! You must have been good this year!

  2. December 16th, 2004 at 05:19 | #2

    Wheeee! Someone got my present! ::dances:: That just makes my day.

    Er, I mean… that must have been from Santa. Yeah. Santa! You must have been good this year!

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