Thanksgiving badness.
We have an incredibly fat cat. (The orange one in this pic.) She’s prone to weird behavior, just because she’s so danged fat.
At 11pm last night, she was just fine. Her usual freaky self. Sometime during the night, she started breathing through the mouth, which we didn’t think much of, because hey, she’s fat.
Later on during the night, she knocked a toy off of the dining room table. Again, no big deal, she’s a cat, cats knock things over in the middle of the night. That’s what they do.
At around 4:30 this morning, she was standing near our bed, mouth-breathing, but this time she was also making erratic scratching sounds, like her claws couldn’t get purchase on the hardwood floor. We turned on the light. She was foaming at the mouth and just kind of… crouching there. We called the vet. While we were on the phone, she peed right where she was standing. Cleaning up just now, I notice she also defecated a little, very loose and with a little blood. She had also thrown up in a couple of spots in the hall.
My husband is en route to a local animal medical emergency clinic with her.
Please, please don’t let this Thanksgiving be remembered as the one where I had to explain to my daughter that our cat died… and what death is all about.
UPDATE! They’ve tentatively ruled out their first guess, which was FUNGUS OR BACTERIA EATING FROM HER EAR INTO HER BRAIN and are thinking maybe toxoplasmosis – which is treatable. So far, she’s still doing okay under the care of the hospital.
This Thanksgiving, I am thankful that we have the ability absorb (with difficulty) more than a grand in expenses for a cat that is honestly not our favorite. I’m also thankful that we always have Thanksgiving here at home, and thus weren’t out of town last night. AND that we live in a major city with two emergency veterinary clinics. Here’s hoping it all works out for the freaky, fat little girl.
UPDATE TO THE UPDATE! Now they’ve ruled out their second guess and are leaning toward the ears again (so to speak) as the probable culprit. Our cat generates enormous quantities of hard black wax. This, apparently, is weird to the point that whenever we take her in to have them cleaned, the vet calls over other vets to look at it and marvel. So they think now maybe an inner ear thing. They’ll sedate her later (goodbye, $300!) and clean her inner ears and see what’s going on. If that’s all it is, she should recover with time, leaving her with nothing more than a mild tendency to lean her head toward the right. Because she’s not weird enough, I guess.
Eeep. 🙁 I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. I hope your cat is okay. I’ll send positive thoughts to your cat. *hugs*
Eeep. 🙁 I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. I hope your cat is okay. I’ll send positive thoughts to your cat. *hugs*
Oh no! Me too. 🙁
Oh no! Me too. 🙁
Big, big hugs to you. I know how scary dealing with this can be. I really hope the kitty improves and you all still get to have a good holiday.
Big, big hugs to you. I know how scary dealing with this can be. I really hope the kitty improves and you all still get to have a good holiday.
Oh no… I hope kitty pulls through. I lost my dog recently and this is our first Thanksgiving without her. :\
Oh no… I hope kitty pulls through. I lost my dog recently and this is our first Thanksgiving without her. :\
Poor thing 🙁
Both of you, her for going through it, and you for having to go through it with her.
Poor thing 🙁
Both of you, her for going through it, and you for having to go through it with her.
Re: Update to the Update
Oh man!! Well, hopefully it’s nothing serious after all.
Re: Update to the Update
Oh man!! Well, hopefully it’s nothing serious after all.