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This morning I was writing some thank you notes to Em’s teachers. While I did, Em stayed in her room with the door closed for a long time. I didn’t know what she was up to. Finally, someone came out, dressed as you see here. It wasn’t Emily, it was a Mrs. Andy Erickson come to visit.

After Mrs. Andy Erickson left, I added cold cream to the grocery list. Soap and water didn’t quite remove the greasepaint, although they did smear it around a lot. I’m going to have her scrub a bit more before we go out, as I can’t have my daughter running around in what now looks like blackface.

We’re lining up a few summer camps, a trip to the beach, and some math tutoring. This is also the year that I plan to teach Em to knit. She wants to know how, but not necessarily to sit down and learn how. She likes to fiddle with her hands so I think it could be a good thing to learn. Em will also be trying out piano lessons. She’s naturally musical – not surprising, since it runs in both sides of her family – so I think she has the potential to do well.

Mrs. Andy Erickson, Emily, and I are planning on having a great summer. I hope you do too.

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  1. June 11th, 2010 at 15:40 | #1

    Greasepaint is vile stuff. We always used regular old eyeliner when I did makeup for drama. Still have to scrub to get off, but much easier to remove. She looks great!

  2. June 11th, 2010 at 15:42 | #2

    She is hilarious! I remember using crayons on my face as a kid, for makeup. *That* was fun to wash off. Also, really hard to get on, as I remember. *lol*

    You could always teach her to finger knit, it’s quick and easy and will get her results in no time without having to figure out needles and all…

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