Getting warmer.
Em continues her quest to figure out what my password for the Windows machine is. Today she told me she knew it. It was Tvini. How the heck did she know about “Tvini?” It’s not the password, but I’m still impressed. Clever girl. Project for this summer: lock down the blog.
Oh I enjoy ready about you and Em so I will be sad if it’s locked down but I understand. 🙂
That should have been reading. Darn iPod.
Heh. Well, I’m also moving all this stuff over to another blog which will have a password on the Em posts, so at that point I can just pass out the password to those I trust. 🙂
I completely understand. Just curious because I’m thinkig of just starting over somewhere different. Where did you find a place with a password?
I think TypePad allows for password-protected entries.
Bah. I said TypePad. I MEANT Word Press…
Password Protected Posts — You can give passwords to individual posts to hide them from the public. You can also have private posts which are viewable only by their author.
Thank you very much. I will check it out!