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November 27th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

For the last few years our local store has had ever larger displays of pomegranate fruit. I’ve enjoyed pomegranate juice before, but had no idea how to go about eating one fresh.

I’m all about experimentation and discovery, and I’m always telling Emily that it can be fun to try new things. It’s good for her to see me practice what I preach.

Maybe this is one of those things that I’m behind the curve on, but I had to go to Dr. Internet to figure out how to do this. Em and I read the instructions and watched the video here, then gave it a shot. Pretty easy! I didn’t have a problem removing the fruit from the rind, but I hear that if that’s an issue, you can put the seeds into a bowl of water. The bitter pith will float and the seeds will sink, making it easy to separate.

One thing I think about often as I shop for produce is how thankful I am for refrigeration, highways, and internal combustion engines. Clearly the auto is a mixed blessing with the pollution produced, but imagine how much poorer our diets would be without modern technology. This year, I am grateful that I can easily obtain all of the ingredients in my nutritious Thanksgiving meal, very few of which I would be able to procure without these modern marvels.

For the record, Em and I agreed. The pomegranate was quite tasty.

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  1. November 27th, 2009 at 18:41 | #1

    I love eating pomegranates as they take a little time to eat. You have to pick at them gently to get a full kernal…lol. They are perfect for when you want to snack but want to actually sit and enjoy EATING. These things plus pistachios have helped me curb my appetite.

    I’m so glad you tried these, Heather and Emily! The juice makes great lipstick! LOL

  2. November 28th, 2009 at 03:30 | #2

    Pomegranates are my favorite food ever. They’re the best part of Autumn.

  3. November 30th, 2009 at 17:45 | #3

    I’ve tried pomegranates twice – once with braces (which was an experience I’d rather not repeat) and the second time, recently. I figured I’d give it another go without my orthodontics.

    And I’m sorry to say that I just didn’t enjoy them 🙁 I love the juice, but the seed inside just throws me off. I just pop the kernels into my mouth whole. Am I eating them incorrectly??

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