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Down by the bay.

February 6th, 2004 Leave a comment Go to comments

[Tvini] So, nadira birds. They’re sea birds. Do sea birds have down? I mean, ducks do, but do nadira?
[Smyrn] What a good question!
[Tvini] Indeed! I have someone who wants a quilt filled with nadira down.
[NewGM] I think all birds have down? Swans do, geese do, penguins do… usually it’s baby birds that are described as downy though. Hm.
[NewGM] Ur… can I point out if it’s quilted with down, you can’t tell what sort of bird it’s from unless it’s leaking feathers?
[Smyrn] …and even then, sometimes.
[Smyrn] I want to know who’s going to sit there and denude all those nadira chicks.
[Westryl] You said denude
[Tvini] This is true. But I’m just impressed they actually noticed the nadira birds.
[Smyrn] Yes, (Westryl), I said denude. It’s a word.
[Tvini] Well, as a member of team wedding, you could denude them.
[Smyrn] I have carpal tunnel. Sorry, must beg off.
[Westryl] Tattoo runs in, followed by a naked woman, as he yells, “Denude! Denude!”
[Tvini] Damn.
[Smyrn] LOL
[Smyrn] It was funny, but not THAT funny.
[Tvini] And finally, I have something I can livejournal before Tessima! Woot!

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  1. February 7th, 2004 at 10:04 | #1

    More X-rated stuff!!! *pickets*

    Heheh. 🙂

  2. February 7th, 2004 at 10:04 | #2

    More X-rated stuff!!! *pickets*

    Heheh. 🙂

  3. February 7th, 2004 at 23:21 | #3

    What whould be interesting is the number of people who know what he meant when he referred to “Tattoo.”

    I never watched it, myself. Wouldn’t mind seeing an episode now to see what it was like.


  4. February 7th, 2004 at 23:21 | #4

    What whould be interesting is the number of people who know what he meant when he referred to “Tattoo.”

    I never watched it, myself. Wouldn’t mind seeing an episode now to see what it was like.


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