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The cycling lessons proceed apace. Yesterday I was able to let go of Em’s seat for microseconds at a time.

Me: “Can I tell you a secret?”
Em: “Yeah, what?”
Me: “I let go of your seat, just for a second. You were doing it by yourself for a second there!”
Em, appalled: “Don’t let go!!”

I thought she might be proud, but she was just horrified. You could see the process – “Mom, why would you do that when I expressly told you not to let me go?” Oh well. Anyway, she’s improving, and we’re keeping at it.

Today we’re ice skating. This is the second time we’ve done this. She’s really latched on to skating, which makes me wish we’d done it earlier in the season. But that’s okay, the rinks will still be there. If she keeps wanting to skate, we can look into inline skates for her, as well as maybe a walkie talkie, just in case we lose contact while she’s rolling around.

D&D did take place on Tuesday, with the usual entertaining results. I didn’t injure any of my party members, probably because I was, oh, what’s the word… DEAD. However, the party really picked up the slack in that regard. Kudos, guys! I’ll post an update when I get a little free time.
We have about a dozen green tomatoes in the garden right now. We had a couple that were just about perfectly ripe, but opted to leave them on the vine another day. Then some creature decided to take a bite out of about six different tomatoes. It couldn’t just eat all of one, no, it had to ruin the lot. Thanks, critters.

On the up side, eggplants Bert and Ernie here were ready to come off the vine. My husband is going to make eggplant and tomato sandwiches tonight. Because of the aforementioned varmints I’ll have to get a tomato from the store, but we have massive amounts of fresh basil leaves from the garden, so it’ll still be garden fresh.

Time to do a little homework – the school sent home a summer workbook – and then get ready to go skating. Hope you have just as great a day!

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  1. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2009 at 20:17 | #1

    From Lynda

    You’ve probably heard this a trillion times by now but if our deficit can exceed that mark so can I…

    Have you anywhere you can ride with a LITTLE bit of downhill? That is how I learned to ride…that bit of extra speed does help you keep your balance better.

    The Eggplants..they are so Bert and Ernie! TRIVIA ALERT – Do you by chance know where the Muppet characters garnished their names?

  2. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2009 at 20:17 | #2

    From Lynda

    You’ve probably heard this a trillion times by now but if our deficit can exceed that mark so can I…

    Have you anywhere you can ride with a LITTLE bit of downhill? That is how I learned to ride…that bit of extra speed does help you keep your balance better.

    The Eggplants..they are so Bert and Ernie! TRIVIA ALERT – Do you by chance know where the Muppet characters garnished their names?

  3. July 31st, 2009 at 01:01 | #3

    Trivia answer

    Ooh!! I know! I know! Pick me pick me!!
    *holds hand in the air, waving like a maniac*

  4. July 31st, 2009 at 01:01 | #4

    Trivia answer

    Ooh!! I know! I know! Pick me pick me!!
    *holds hand in the air, waving like a maniac*

  5. July 31st, 2009 at 01:17 | #5

    Re: Trivia answer

    The floor recognizes sylvanscion.

  6. July 31st, 2009 at 01:17 | #6

    Re: Trivia answer

    The floor recognizes sylvanscion.

  7. July 31st, 2009 at 14:14 | #7

    Re: Trivia answer

    They were named for characters from “It’s a Wonderful Life”- Bert was a cop, I think, and Ernie was the cab driver. “Ernie, my mouth’s bleedin’!”

  8. July 31st, 2009 at 14:14 | #8

    Re: Trivia answer

    They were named for characters from “It’s a Wonderful Life”- Bert was a cop, I think, and Ernie was the cab driver. “Ernie, my mouth’s bleedin’!”

  9. July 31st, 2009 at 15:12 | #9

    Re: Trivia answer

    I read somewhere that that was just a coincidence.

  10. July 31st, 2009 at 15:12 | #10

    Re: Trivia answer

    I read somewhere that that was just a coincidence.

  11. July 31st, 2009 at 18:19 | #11

    Re: Trivia answer

    Well then never mind.

  12. July 31st, 2009 at 18:19 | #12

    Re: Trivia answer

    Well then never mind.

  13. July 31st, 2009 at 18:22 | #13

    Re: Trivia answer

    Pfft. What do I know though. I just thought it was interesting discussion.

  14. July 31st, 2009 at 18:22 | #14

    Re: Trivia answer

    Pfft. What do I know though. I just thought it was interesting discussion.

  15. July 31st, 2009 at 18:27 | #15

    Re: Trivia answer

    No, I was curious, I Googled, you’re right. It’s just a coincidence:

  16. July 31st, 2009 at 18:27 | #16

    Re: Trivia answer

    No, I was curious, I Googled, you’re right. It’s just a coincidence:

  17. July 31st, 2009 at 18:42 | #17

    Re: Trivia answer

    Huh. That was a pretty funny callback they did in the Elmo movie.

  18. July 31st, 2009 at 18:42 | #18

    Re: Trivia answer

    Huh. That was a pretty funny callback they did in the Elmo movie.

  19. July 31st, 2009 at 19:11 | #19

    Re: Trivia answer

    I know, right? 🙂

  20. July 31st, 2009 at 19:11 | #20

    Re: Trivia answer

    I know, right? 🙂

  21. August 1st, 2009 at 18:22 | #21

    Bert and Ernie, ha-ha! But how can you eat them now?

  22. August 1st, 2009 at 18:22 | #22

    Bert and Ernie, ha-ha! But how can you eat them now?

  23. August 1st, 2009 at 19:44 | #23

    Bert’s already eaten! Poor doomed Ernie still waits on the counter.

  24. August 1st, 2009 at 19:44 | #24

    Bert’s already eaten! Poor doomed Ernie still waits on the counter.

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