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Poor Em.

December 3rd, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

Em has weak enamel on her teeth. The dentist says it’s nothing we’re doing, it’s just the way it is. She thinks it probably happened in the last bit before she was born or in the first few months after she was born. Sometimes antibiotics in early infancy can have that effect, and Em did have some ear infections.

She doesn’t drink soft drinks or juice, just water. She does eat gummi-type candy sometimes. She brushes after every single thing she eats. She doesn’t like to eat lunch at school, and I wonder sometimes if that’s because she knows she can’t brush right afterward. She HATES going to the dentist. She knows she has to. She tries to be a good patient, but when she has to get fillings, she is just awful. It’s not her fault, she’s just so anxious and scared that she can’t help herself.

So tomorrow, we’re going to the dentist, and she has to get two fillings. One of them is a re-do of one that was previously done, perhaps because the filling contracted a little and more decay crept in. They’re going to sedate her. I’ve explained all about what’s going to happen, and while she does have questions (“what if I wake up while they’re doing my fillings?”) she seems fine with it.

I am beyond nervous about this. However, for Em’s sake, I am playing it very cool, as if this kind of thing happens all the time and is no big deal. The appointment is in the morning, and they say she’ll be good as new right around 2pm, so I’m letting her lay out of school tomorrow. I’ve got a new Christmas video for her and a sticker book so she’ll have something quiet to do while she’s recovering. My husband is coming with us so we’ll have someone to drive while I stay with her in the back just in case she’s ill on the way home.

The bright spot is that tomorrow afternoon we’ll be getting our Christmas tree. At least that’ll be something good to happen.

Pardon me, I have to go “tell a silly Red Riding Hood story with things that didn’t happen in the real Red Riding Hood story.” Parenthood, in all its glory.

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  1. December 4th, 2008 at 00:26 | #1

    My dentist used to hypnotize me when I was a kid. Or that’s what my mom and sisters tell me! I just thought I went to Disneyland a lot as a kid.

  2. December 4th, 2008 at 00:26 | #2

    My dentist used to hypnotize me when I was a kid. Or that’s what my mom and sisters tell me! I just thought I went to Disneyland a lot as a kid.

  3. December 4th, 2008 at 00:50 | #3


    Ahem. Sorry.

  4. December 4th, 2008 at 00:50 | #4


    Ahem. Sorry.

  5. December 4th, 2008 at 01:33 | #5

    It’s ok! It got me through dentist visits!

  6. December 4th, 2008 at 01:33 | #6

    It’s ok! It got me through dentist visits!

  7. Anonymous
    December 4th, 2008 at 17:11 | #7

    from lamurray

    You have no idea how Jealous I am of you!

    “tell a silly Red Riding Hood story with things that didn’t happen in the real Red Riding Hood story” …How fun was that!!!

  8. Anonymous
    December 4th, 2008 at 17:11 | #8

    from lamurray

    You have no idea how Jealous I am of you!

    “tell a silly Red Riding Hood story with things that didn’t happen in the real Red Riding Hood story” …How fun was that!!!

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