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FO: Rainbow Socks

Pattern: Rainbow Socks by Susanne Kitzmann
Needles: Size 1 / 2.25mm (size 0 / 2.0 for heels)
Yarn: Regia Design Line Kaffe Fassett Colorway 4251
Time elapsed: begun March 30 2008, finished June 14 2008

What an enjoyable pattern! I loved these colors and wanted to do something with the yarn besides a straight stockinette, but didn’t want a complex stitch pattern to get lost in the colorway. This little gem seemed perfect. Short rows beginning and ending on each side of the leg create a neat zig-zag pattern. I got it from MagKnits, and thank goodness I printed out a copy before that site went kerflooey. The pattern is again available in both English and German from the designer’s site.

I knitted these toe-up instead of the called for toe-down. The striping matched up nearly perfectly on the feet, but by the time I turned the heel and moved up the ankle, there had been enough little changes in gauge, etc., that the striping was off, as you can see. Also, I meant to put the heel on the second one on the opposite side of where it actually is, so that the striping wouldn’t be parallel on the foot and then mirror-imaged on the leg. Oh well. That’s okay, I didn’t really care if they were perfectly in sync. They’re a little crazy and that’s as it should be.

I made them just a hair too long, both in the foot and in the leg. The foot isn’t so bad, I can live with it, but the leg comes up onto my calf and binds a bit. If I fold the cuff down, as pictured to the right, it’s no problem. Fine by me, because I’m definitely not ripping it out. I did the heels on size 0 instead of size 1 because heels are always the first things to go in my socks. I I’m going to have to go back and reinforce the gap at the heel turn. Oops.

I’m really happy with these socks. They were engaging, but didn’t demand a lot of attention. And I got a lot of “how’d you make those triangles? Did the yarn do that?” from both knitters and non-knitters alike, so it was kind of a logic-puzzle conversation starter. It’s a neat use of short rows and of self-striping yarn. I’d do it again!

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  1. June 15th, 2008 at 16:46 | #1

    Those are awesome, awesome looking socks. I just stuck the pattern in my Ravelry queue, because I know I’m going to need to make those at some point.

  2. June 15th, 2008 at 16:46 | #2

    Those are awesome, awesome looking socks. I just stuck the pattern in my Ravelry queue, because I know I’m going to need to make those at some point.

  3. June 16th, 2008 at 11:41 | #3

    “finished June 12 2008” ? Didn’t you bind these off at WWKiP Day? Yeah yeah, I’m picking nits. =P

    The socks look GREAT! I still wanna see them in the clear chucks though. Too freakin’ cool.

  4. June 16th, 2008 at 11:41 | #4

    “finished June 12 2008” ? Didn’t you bind these off at WWKiP Day? Yeah yeah, I’m picking nits. =P

    The socks look GREAT! I still wanna see them in the clear chucks though. Too freakin’ cool.

  5. June 16th, 2008 at 11:51 | #5

    I can’t be expected to keep track of trivialities like what the actual date is!

    Okay, I’m fixing it.

  6. June 16th, 2008 at 11:51 | #6

    I can’t be expected to keep track of trivialities like what the actual date is!

    Okay, I’m fixing it.

  7. Anonymous
    June 18th, 2008 at 00:33 | #7


    I love them. Turned out wonderfully.

    Jane P

  8. Anonymous
    June 18th, 2008 at 00:33 | #8


    I love them. Turned out wonderfully.

    Jane P

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