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Thank you, !

December 24th, 2007 Leave a comment Go to comments

Look what sent to Emily! It’s chock full of Florida-themed goodies. A bicycle license plate, stickers, an alligator tooth (not pictured) and a cute little mermaid doll! Emily loves this doll. She particularly loves the hair, which I pointed out looks just like hers. This morning Emily cut off a little piece of “Aurora’s” hair and asked me to put it around the her tiny wrist as a bracelet.

Emily is so full of Christmas that she may explode. It’s interesting to see the way her mind works. While she’s super-excited about getting gifts, she’s also doing something a little unusual. She’s making little gifts for Santa and the reindeer. Last week she made a little sign, pictured, reading “Things for Santa” and stuck it on a cardboard box.

In the box are cookies (of course), gummis (I can’t believe she’s sharing these), and assorted things she’s made. I taught her to finger-knit and she made a little green bracelet for Santa. Also, she made Shrinky Dinks (I shrunk them for her, she can’t use a heat gun) that are name tags for the reindeer to have. Santa just gets cookies from other houses. He’s loading up at ours.

Emily had to miss the Christmas cookie bake this year, so we wound up making some today. It’s been busy all day. Emily’s clearly getting some energy back now that she’s on antibiotics. Combine that with it being Christmas Eve and it’s been hard to carve time out for non-Emily things. It’s been everything from “I want you to play Chutes and Ladders by yourself” to “I want you to paint fish on my wall to cover up the blank spots.” I need ten minutes to myself!

At left: Thanks again, !

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  1. December 24th, 2007 at 22:36 | #1

    Oh, good, I’m glad she likes everything. Did the alligator tooth bottle-thingy not make it there intact? I knew I shoulda wrapped it better. But I’m thrilled that she liked the mermaid doll. The hair reminded me of the dolls you made her.

    Dang, Santa’s making out like a bandit at your house! I’m sure he’ll love the bracelet.

    Merry Christmas to all the Tvinis!

  2. December 24th, 2007 at 22:36 | #2

    Oh, good, I’m glad she likes everything. Did the alligator tooth bottle-thingy not make it there intact? I knew I shoulda wrapped it better. But I’m thrilled that she liked the mermaid doll. The hair reminded me of the dolls you made her.

    Dang, Santa’s making out like a bandit at your house! I’m sure he’ll love the bracelet.

    Merry Christmas to all the Tvinis!

  3. December 24th, 2007 at 22:48 | #3

    The alligator tooth made it here just fine, I just didn’t notice it wasn’t in the shot until I posted it. Heh.

  4. December 24th, 2007 at 22:48 | #4

    The alligator tooth made it here just fine, I just didn’t notice it wasn’t in the shot until I posted it. Heh.

  5. December 24th, 2007 at 22:48 | #5

    LOL! Whew. 🙂

  6. December 24th, 2007 at 22:48 | #6

    LOL! Whew. 🙂

  7. December 25th, 2007 at 05:39 | #7

    That is the PERFECT icing job for that cookie. Oh, I am so glad I sent those cookie cutters!

  8. December 25th, 2007 at 05:39 | #8

    That is the PERFECT icing job for that cookie. Oh, I am so glad I sent those cookie cutters!

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