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Today’s IEP meeting ran from 11am to 2:15pm. I had to cut out before all the paperwork was signed. We’d decided everything, but the printer broke and so they’re going to send it home tomorrow. I had to leave because Emily and I had to be across town at 3pm, and we also wanted to stop at Starbucks first. I hadn’t had lunch, so I scarfed down a croissant and some chocolate milk. Then I got some coffee once I had something in my system. Now that’s well-balanced!

My back was killing me after spending 3 hours in a child-sized chair (it still is). At her OT’s, I asked the receptionist if there was a room where I could lie down on a hard floor for a while. She found me a back room. I lay down at 3:20. At 3:58, I opened my eyes. I guess I fell asleep, but my internal mom-clock said “in two minutes your daughter will be ready to go. WAKE UP!” I felt fairly woozy afterward.

Because of all this, I didn’t get to go by the hardware store to get stuff to lock the shed. Let’s hope the thieves don’t come back tonight.

Right now I can hear a mouse in the kitchen. It may actually be a rodent jamboree, because it’s pretty darned loud. Our stupid cat is, of course, unconcerned. Unfortunately, I can’t find our Hav-a-Hart humane traps. One more thing to get at the hardware store in the morning.

Early to bed for me tonight.

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