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We’re not going to the thingie tomorrow. I spoke with my mom, who made a good point: she said she was trying to think of how she would feel if she heard later that the troop leader had taken her own daughter but not mine. I think I’d be angry. I still feel guilty for not going, but I don’t see what else I could have done.

I had another thought. We paid for this out of troop money. I’d be willing to bet that if the parents had had to pay for this out of pocket, the outcome would have been different. But that’s neither here nor there!

Cribbed from :

How much are you worth?

Okay, maybe I don’t want to sell myself, but shouldn’t I at least be getting royalties or something?

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  1. April 30th, 2007 at 16:34 | #1

    Did you see the list of supposedly top-priced females they had? Some of these people are saying they have IQs of 200 or so. I’m going shyeah right!!

  2. April 30th, 2007 at 16:34 | #2

    Did you see the list of supposedly top-priced females they had? Some of these people are saying they have IQs of 200 or so. I’m going shyeah right!!

  3. April 30th, 2007 at 20:06 | #3

    Late to the party, but… while it’s possible some parents might be upset, they didn’t make any effort to support you so their kids COULD go. So, for their feelings, I wouldn’t worry about it. Now, the kids might not understand, & it’s for them that I *might* stay home.

  4. April 30th, 2007 at 20:06 | #4

    Late to the party, but… while it’s possible some parents might be upset, they didn’t make any effort to support you so their kids COULD go. So, for their feelings, I wouldn’t worry about it. Now, the kids might not understand, & it’s for them that I *might* stay home.

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