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update later

Lots going on. Hubby installed a new ceiling fan, I went out to dinner Friday night with the Bedlam Bards and ran into a guy I knew in high school, am working on new business cards, took Emily to her first bar on Sunday, had to fill out CARS and GARS autism testing forms for Emily this morning, and more and more and more.

What I don’t have is time to update properly. I’ll try to do so later.

In the meantime, here’s Boo at the bar. Salud!

“I’m not as think as you think I am. Wait, what?”

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  1. April 24th, 2007 at 13:55 | #1

    *lol* She looks pished in that photo.

    Actually I thought she did really really well lasting throughout the show, loud as it was and foreign as it must have seemed to her. You would have been more finely tuned to her reactions but to someone who’s not spent much time with her before (i.e. me), she was a very well-behaved (if possibly bored 😉 ) young lady!

  2. April 24th, 2007 at 13:55 | #2

    *lol* She looks pished in that photo.

    Actually I thought she did really really well lasting throughout the show, loud as it was and foreign as it must have seemed to her. You would have been more finely tuned to her reactions but to someone who’s not spent much time with her before (i.e. me), she was a very well-behaved (if possibly bored 😉 ) young lady!

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