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Ah, romance.

Tonight’s big anniversary plans? Order takeout and eat it at home, probably while watching TV, since we’re both beat.

However, even those not quite earth-shattering plans fell by the wayside when the hubby got called back in to work at 7pm. Instead, I’m putting our daughter to bed by myself, knitting a Jayne hat, and watching Office reruns.


So let me cheer myself up by sharing another old pic from the Woodland house, this one of moronic cat Blintz.

Heh. Stupid, stupid cat.

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  1. April 19th, 2007 at 16:04 | #1

    Blintz looks like one of those splatted witches you see at Halloween time.. The ones that you set up to look like they flew into a telephone pole or tree or something. *lol*

  2. April 19th, 2007 at 16:04 | #2

    Blintz looks like one of those splatted witches you see at Halloween time.. The ones that you set up to look like they flew into a telephone pole or tree or something. *lol*

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