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What a great day!

December 3rd, 2006 Leave a comment Go to comments

Okay, so my husband’s been sick for more than a week so I’ve been handling… well, I don’t want to say “everything” but I will say “more than usual.”

Last night I had an assisted wedding in Dragonrealms, and there was still a fair amount of prep work to be done for it yesterday morning, so I wound up working in the game pretty much all day. My daughter, like many children, wants to be near her mother, so this meant she spent far more time than I’d like on the computer playing Sims2 because my husband had no energy. He wasn’t lollygagging, he was genuinely ill. I don’t think it’s a sign of good health to sleep 18 hours a day and still feel awful. So there was some stress involved there, as I balanced his needs and her needs with my need to have everything done in time for the Dragonrealms wedding scheduled for last night.

But hey! You know what? It all got done. It always does – I haven’t lost a client yet. And it went GREAT. The couple had fun, the guests had fun, I had fun. A good time was had by all. I logged off feeling really buzzed by the event, then realized that while I’d downed the giant cup of mocha I’d bought to keep me awake for the festivities, I’d gotten so wrapped up online that I’d completely forgotten to eat dinner. I got to bed well after midnight, and thought, “well, there’s no help for it, it’s going to be awful in the morning.”

Come morning, my daughter wakes up at 6am as usual. And as usual, I staggered out and got her some breakfast then staggered back into bed to try to get a few more minutes of shut-eye. When I woke up again, it was after 10am. The hubby had already gone to work, taken care of what he needed to for the weekend, and come back home bringing doughnuts with him. He wasn’t well, but he was clearly more energetic and feeling much better. And unbelieveably, my daughter had let me sleep all that time without waking me. Wow! I felt great!

But the day got much better when the phone rang at noon. It was my dad, who is seldom up at noon. He sounded bad. Him feeling bad is not the part that made the day get better.

“Honey, I’m really not feeling well. But we’ve got these tickets to Spamalot for today, and we thought you might be able to use them.”


A couple of teenage fangirl OMG OMG OMG squeals and phone calls later, and my mom had kindly agreed to watch our daughter while the hubby and I went to the 2pm of Spamalot. EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

We got ready and went over to Dad’s to pick up the tickets, which had been purchased by his roommate Ellyn (thanks, Ellyn!). He was tickled that I was so excited. I really was! This was something I’d thought about asking for for Christmas, but didn’t, because Steve’s been sick and I didn’t even want to mention it when he wasn’t feeling well enough to go. And now they fell into my lap! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

We dropped my daughter off at my mom’s, where she apparently had a great time running errands with mom, getting balloons and cookies, and stopping by the toy store. Thanks, Mom!

We foolishly stopped at a McDonald’s on the way, which threw us off schedule a bit. But we got there barely in time, and rushed into the building… which smelled like cotton candy. Then we realized we were in the Charlotte Coliseum, which was showing Disney on Ice. D’oh!

Fortunately, Ovens Auditorium is right next door, so we hustled in and made it after the lights dimmed but before the curtain went up. We needed an usher and an oxygen mask to find our seats, third row from the back of the balcony. But who the hell cares, we still had a great view, and we were at Spamalot! EEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Great show. Highly recommended. Vegas showgirls, flying cows, big musical numbers, swordfights, killer rabbits, this show has it all. I’m still wound up. EEEEEEEEEE!!!

So thanks again, Mom, Dad, and Ellyn for making this such a fabulous day. I’m walkin’ on sunshine! Woo!

One more time…


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  1. December 4th, 2006 at 14:41 | #1

    Ohhh!! See this lovely shade of green? That’s me being horribly horribly JEALOUS!

    Fantastic that you had such a good day though! ::beams::

  2. December 4th, 2006 at 14:41 | #2

    Ohhh!! See this lovely shade of green? That’s me being horribly horribly JEALOUS!

    Fantastic that you had such a good day though! ::beams::

  3. December 7th, 2006 at 21:09 | #3

    How the hell did you get through all of last night without ONCE mentioning that you went to Spamalot?! I’m so jealous!

  4. December 7th, 2006 at 21:09 | #4

    How the hell did you get through all of last night without ONCE mentioning that you went to Spamalot?! I’m so jealous!

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