DR and Jayne yarn
This morning I logged into Dragonrealms to document a new kind of flower that had been added, and got to poking around Theren. I hadn’t been to Gealeranendae College before, so I hadn’t seen the blackboard with the notes on how to create a gerbil launcher. I love finding those little touches that you really have to look for.
On the Jayne hat front, I would have sworn that I had two more large cones of orange yarn, but I do not. I’ve put a call in to my supplier to find out when my next order will arrive. It’s always tough to tell, since basically I have to wait for the mill to spin more of that color, and they only do that every six weeks or so. I have enough to fill my kit orders, but nonetheless, I’m probably going to be trekking up to Davidson to snag a couple of individual skeins as a safety net. It’s not an issue with finished hats right now, since I’ve got a few non-Jayne hat orders currently at #1 in the queue.
When I started this, I never thought I’d be in a position where I’d get nervous if I was down to less than a thousand yards of any given color left, but by my rough estimate I’ve used about 70,000 yards of yarn on the Jaynes, or about 40 miles if you want to think about it that way. Atsa lotta naked sheep.
I’m off to eat breakfast and hit the road!