
Archive for May 11th, 2010

Could be worse. Could be raining.

May 11th, 2010 No comments

1951 Willard battery
Yesterday, as I was in the drive-through lane to drop off some clothes at Goodwill, my battery died. One of the staff kindly pulled her car around while another hooked up the cables and gave me a jump… which did nothing. The drive-through lane of Goodwill is not exactly the best spot to have a car just die, but the staff was very gracious. So the good things were:

  • I am an AAA member. I was able to call a tow truck to come out for no charge.
  • I was in a safe, well-lit location.
  • It was a nice day and I had my knitting with me.
  • Em was home, so she did homework with her father instead of fall behind for the night sitting around with me.
  • The AAA guy tried jumping it with his industrial equipment before towing, and got it started again, therefore…
  • I was able to drive home. Yay!
  • Because it had died that afternoon, we were prepared in the morning (another positive!) when it was time to take Em to school for the possibility that it wouldn’t start. Mr. Tvini stuck around this morning just in case he might have to take Em to school. And sure enough, it didn’t start. After getting Em to school, we tried jumping my car, but it didn’t work. It should have some charge after all the driving around I did yesterday, but nope.

    So once things were settled in the morning, I called AAA again. This time, the weather was again a bit cooler and threatening rain, but still a nice day, AND as a bonus I was at my own house. The guy came within about a half hour and towed me up to our local garage. (AAA membership is worth its weight in gold when you really need it.) The rain held off and I walked the 1.2 miles home.

    Now the down sides: just this moment, while I was writing this post, the garage called. The battery is utterly bereft of life, so they had to put a new one in just to check the ignition system. The alternator is fine, but the starter solenoid isn’t, so they’ll be replacing that. The total’s going to run about $400.

    Also this morning I had an appointment for my semi-annual haircut. Seriously, I only get around to cutting my hair about every four months, so by the time I get it done it REALLY needs to be done. The appointment is in 15 minutes. I’ve called to cancel.

    So, unexpected car expenses and continued shagginess. But all in all, it could be worse. It could be raining. Stay with me, universe, stay with me!

    ETA: The salon just called – my appointment was actually for Thursday morning. No cancellation fee, no missed appointment. Life’s little victories!

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