
Archive for February 9th, 2010

Happy birthday to me!

February 9th, 2010 5 comments

2010 Dad giftsGot up, rolled out of bed… and confronted with a horrifying stench, immediately cleaned the catbox. Well, the rest of my birthday had nowhere to go but up!

And indeed it has. Birthday gifts from Dad: Horatio Hornblower DVD box set and 2000 Year Old Man CD set by Carl Reiner and Mel Books. I’ve had my eye on these for a while, so they’re very welcome.
2010 birthday cake
Birthday gifts from Mom: the same birthday cake I’ve gotten every single year since I was about five years old. And I LOVE IT. Not pictured is the wonderful combo birthday/Christmas gift she got me this year which needs its own post.

I have had a raging headache all day long, but it is not dampening my spirits. All I can think is how fortunate I am to have my family so close, in every sense of the word.

I leave you with an audio clip of the 2000 Year Old Man and my permission to take today off in honor of my birthday, which is (or should be) a national holiday. Many happy returns of the day!

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