
Archive for November 11th, 2009

D&D Week 36 Part One: The Deck of Many Things

November 11th, 2009 2 comments

GM Vaschon: Alright! We begin in this rocky cavern with a monstrous (no pun intended) chest. You’ve leaped the mushrooms successfully and discovered there are no obvious exits other than back the way you came or roughly a 50′ drop.

We think the back wall may be magical, but we can’t figure out anything else about it, so we let it go because there’s a big honkin’ chest in the middle of the room.

GM Vaschon: The chest is intricately designed, there is a big latch on the front. It does not appear to be locked. The chest is 8′ by 8′ by 4′.

Val isn’t with us yet, but like kids at Christmas, we can’t wait. Naturally, we open it.

And what’s inside?

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