
Archive for September 20th, 2009

FO: Impalement Prevention Device

September 20th, 2009 5 comments

For a while now, I’ve been wanting to do some knit graffiti, meaning knitting little things and “tagging” public places. The movement started in Houston with the loose group Knitta and has spread. In London, Knit The City has done some amazing things.
crossarm bolt cozy
Jane Prater recently expressed some interest in this as well, so we’re working on getting a group up. However, you don’t need a group to tag. Following a suggestion to make your first yarnbomb something that has meaning to you, Jane tagged her own tree. I saw it in person and it looks even better than the pics.

My problem with doing instead of just thinking is that I don’t have a lot of free time. When I sit down to knit there are so many other projects I think I should be working on that I don’t often work on stuff just for whimsy’s sake. However, on Tuesday I realized quite clearly what my first knit tag should be.
crossarm bolt cozy closeup
Public property? Check.
Easy to remove? Check.
Not hazardous to tag? Check.

Here it is, an IPD. That’s Impalement Prevention Device. A bright orange acrylic tube covering the bolt that felled my husband on his bike. It’s not a substitute for filing down the bolt, but it’s a start. Hopefully this will serve double duty and help stop anyone else from running into the bolt. I’ll be curious to see how long it stays on before someone pulls it off.

This product of my 1974 KnitMagic marks my first step into stirring up a knitstorm.

Call me a kninja.

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