Worst. Treat. Ever.
Em’s root canal yesterday went fine. There were some bumps. I had understood that it had been verified that insurance would cover the sedation, when apparently that was not the case. We’re working with the endodontist to get the insurance company on board.
Em has to be sedated because bless her heart, she’s a very anxious dental patient. She is fearful of doctors and dentists in general, but when it turned out that the sedation would come via a shot instead of the mask which she was familiar with, her scream could be heard from space.
Everything went well, though. It took her some time to recover, and in fact she still looks a little beat to me today. She’s been having her dolls play that they’re injured. One of her dolls frequently gets a broken ankle from snowboarding, and yesterday she said, “I think that when Gwen found out she had to have a cast on her ankle, she must have felt really scared, like I did when I found out that I had to have a shot in my arm.” That’s the first time I’ve heard her verbally empathize with someone that directly. She’s been doing it unconsciously for a while, having her dolls act out situations similar to her own, but I haven’t heard her say it outright before. Projecting your own emotions into someone else’s situation is a great skill to have.
As I was playing with her last night, I had one of her dolls go trick-or-treating.
Me: Trick or treat! What do you have for me?
Em: A root canal!
Note to self: skip Em’s house at Halloween.