“We are letting parents know that today in PE class there was a dodge ball game that got a little out of control. Some kids got hit hard with the ball. Emily says she was hit but not hard. She is not hurting now. She is calm and says she is OK. (Special Area Teacher)”
How bad does a dodgeball game have to get for the teachers to start sending notes home? I’m picturing the Gone With The Wind scene where the camera pans across all the wounded soldiers in the middle of town, but with little kids with charley horses. Oh, the humanity!
I’m sure everything’s fine, but I am writing back to get more details, and to find out how the heck P.E. turned into Thunderdome today. Yow.
ETA: “She was calm through the entire incident. I’m not sure of the details. There was a sub. It sounds as if the boys just got a little of control with throwing the ball.”
Okay, good enough.