
Archive for January 2nd, 2009

Curly yarn

January 2nd, 2009 4 comments

curly on swift
A while back, Charlotte Yarn had a parking lot yarn swap and I purchased a couple of undyed knitted sock blanks. Unlike Flat Feet these were knitted on an antique sock knitting machine. (Someday, when I win the lottery, I’ll have one.) Each was a very long tube about as big around as my upper arm. I kept one and gave one to a friend. On dye day a while back, I dyed mine. I was less than thrilled with the results.

curly yarn 1curly yarn 2
A couple of nights ago I decided to go ahead and try knitting with it, just to see what it was like. Turns out there were little white spots where the yarn touched and the dye didn’t uptake thoroughly. It gave the yarn a mottled character that I liked much better!

I unraveled the entire blank and skeined it up, excited to see whether the white was consistent throughout the blank. Here it is in its kinky glory, still remembering its knitted shape.

curly yarn straightcurly yarn cu
The skein was soaked and then hung to dry with a light weight suspended from it in order to straighten the fibers.

And here it is, straightened and dry. It’s much different than I originally imagined when I dyed it. I can’t wait to see how it knits up. Unfortunately, the queue is such that this’ll have to wait until Spring, at least, but still – it’s something to look forward to!

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Sisters Unite!

January 2nd, 2009 2 comments

When I need a little energy, there are some things that can always get me on my feet. Sing it, sister!

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