Melts in your BRAIN.
December 13th, 2008
Em: Maybe after Christmas we can buy an M&M plush.
Me: Maybe, if we can find one, sure.
Em: Maybe you can make one.
Me: Sssssure. I can do that.
It’s just a stuffed circle, how hard can that be?
Then Em draws a picture. This, ladies and gentlemen, is Plaid. Apparently Plaid is an imaginary new M&M character (she loves the M&M characters, although not eating the actual candy).
Em: You can make her. She should have these lines. Her gloves and shoes can be white. Her arms and legs can be the same color as all the other M&Ms.
I have to make a plush plaid M&M. That’s going to take some thought. That’s the problem with being crafty. People – especially little people – think you can make anything.