Spiders and pie
CrazyCatLadyMel posted a link to this little gem. For those who like Pushing Daisies and pie, someone came up with a recipe for apple pie with gruyere baked into the crust, kind of like the pie that Chuck bakes for her aunts, except without all the homeopathic antidepressants she added. I cannot promise I will use lard, but I must make this pie.
My good friend the garden spider has finally gone. In exchange, I get these jokers all over the yard. They’re about as long as my index finger, they’re everywhere, and for some reason, they like to make their webs at exactly Tvini-face-height. Why? WHY??
I should not have to don a fencing mask to hang out laundry.
I want my garden spider back.
ETA: Pics from the upcoming new Star Trek movie. I really hope this doesn’t blow, but let’s face it. Even if it the reviews are awful, I am THERE, baby!