
Archive for October 15th, 2008

Blue goo.

October 15th, 2008 12 comments

Five hours and two toothbrushings after eating a helping of that cobbler, and these are my teeth. It looks like I’ve been brushing with AquaSmurf. The ladies in my knitting group noticed, but apparently weren’t going to say anything, the dears. Dad, you’ve been warned.

For the record, it was totally worth it.

Note to self: smile with mouth closed tomorrow.

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Mmmm… bubbly.

October 15th, 2008 No comments

When Tvini gets enough sleep…

Everybody wins!

(Yes, Dad, I’ll be over later.)

By the way, maybe everybody already knew this trick, but if you have trouble opening those clamshell packages that everything seems to come in now, try using a can opener. I remembered this trick after I sliced my finger open, and it worked like a charm. Second fun trick I tried that worked great: instead of cutting chunks of butter into the flour, freeze a stick of butter and then grate it into the flour so it’s already in little pieces. It trimmed my cutting time by 3/4, easy. Tips from Tvini!

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October 15th, 2008 No comments

Yesterday I went to Michael’s craft store and saw one of my local Starbucks baristas. It led to this exchange today:

Different barista: I heard from a little bird that you went to Michael’s the other day!
Me: Yes, I saw that little bird! I did go to Michael’s!
Emily, to me afterward: What did the little bird look like?

Heh. Language is funny. I explained the phrase, and it led to great comedy wherein we laughed about how birds don’t go shopping. Good times.

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D&D week 3

October 15th, 2008 18 comments

This week:

I was nearly brained several times by party members with quarterstaffs. For a while I thought it was all coming at just me, but then the Elf nearly got axed in the nards, so there you have it.

Two party members attempted to set an entire passageway ablaze with a wall of flame to incinerate our enemies. They succeeded in setting a third the passageway on fire in a thin line to a height of about six inches.

The element of surprise gone, we charged into a chamber that we thought had a few skeletons inside, only to find that… well, you know that scene at the end of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? Yeah, it was that, but with undead instead of Bolivians.

In the course of the battle, our hireling set himself on fire. It’s not D&D night unless someone’s on fire.

Things took a bit of a turn for the worse when my Dwarf was enchanted by a kobold necromancer and started fighting against the party. Sorry, guys.

In the end, though, we defeated the bad guys and earned enough experience to level. I got shoved down a flight of stairs for some heavy damage, and our rogue came within one point of passing out, but nobody died, so I’ll call it a success. So far, so good!

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