
Archive for July 11th, 2008


July 11th, 2008 No comments

Sure, my wii says I’m fat, but let’s cut to the meat of the matter.

How many cannibals could your body feed?
Created by OnePlusYou

That’s good eatin’!

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Can’t Stop the Serenity

July 11th, 2008 4 comments

Busy day being sure I’m ahead on Jayne hat orders, but I just realized that I never did post about Charlotte’s Can’t Stop the Serenity event!

In a nutshell, everyone had fun and we raised more than double what we did last year. More than $6500 went to Equality Now. Go Browncoats!

Since I don’t have time for a long post, how about some pics? I’ll spare you the one of the pre-show festivities, with me and Turtlegirl and Illiane of Emergency Knitting Bag fame out at Charley’s restaurant, with me holding a snowflake martini up, looking three sheets to the wind even though I’ve only had a sip. I almost never drink, but when I do, I get very happy. Whee!

How fantastic do these lovely ladies look? Great costumes! Zoe even placed in our costume contest. One of these charmers won the Jayne hat, and they were just so over-the-top excited and squealy about it that I had to take a picture. Awwww!

For those wondering, yes, they are sitting in pews. We had our screening this year at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Sharon Amity Rd., and it was a great choice. We were able to do things we couldn’t last year, like have live entertainment in the form of Cedric from the Bedlam Bards, and also a local woman named Spot. Good stuff! There were also refreshments, and a huge space for all the many, many prizes donated.

Here’s a pic of Turtlegirl and Illiane examining the prizes they won. Turtlegirl also posted about the screening and the cotton Jayne hat she made while there. I managed to knock out a wool one myself.

And speaking of prizes, check it out! I bought extra raffle tickets because the prizes were so shiny. And because it was for charity. But the prizes definitely played a part. There were a couple of things I was really coveting, and I got ’em! Woo!

Look at the gorgeous Firefly pint glass! This was the perfect item for me. My husband brews beer, and I wanted this for him. It came with a business card for , so many thanks to them for their generous donation. It was much appreciated, and I will definitely visit them next time I need a unique gift.

I also won the other item I really, really wanted, which was this Fruity Oaty lunchbox! These are available at Things From Another World. At first glance, it may have appeared that the lunchbox was empty when I received it, but it was actually full of awesomeness and potential.

“But Tvini, what are you going to do with it?”

“Pompom storage!”

More pics can be seen on flickr here. I can’t wait until next year’s showing – each year’s seems to get better and better. No pressure, 2009 organizers!

Boy, I said I wasn’t going to make a long post, but I did go on a bit, didn’t I? That coffee musta kicked in!

I hope you all have a very shiny day!

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