Last day of soccer
I went to pick up Em early because a) I wanted to see the World Cup Finals, and b) it was pretty cloudy. Well, on the drive there, “pretty cloudy” turned into torrential downpour. My clothes were plastered to me, just on the walk from the car to the outbuilding. Where they weren’t. Nor were they in the first gym I went to. They were in the “little gym” which was an indoor basketball court. (Did I mention this was a ritzy private school?) There were about 20 pairs of shoes just outside the doors. The kids had a bunch of balls out and were all running around in their stockingfeet kicking balls all over the place. Em was, of course, having a field day.
My husband had it right when he said, “BEST DAY OF SOCCER CAMP EVAR!!!”
There was another pair of shoes identical to Em’s in the foyer. Another mom and I determined that they were the same size, and had both been newly purchased, so there was really no way to tell them apart. So we may have come home with another kid’s shoes. We also came home with a soccer ball, a free gift with the camp. Yay!
On the down side, my phone fell into a stream in the parking lot. This is my workhorse Nokia 3390, which I got in 2001, I think. It can’t take pictures, or do anything a more modern phone could do, but until today I’d have said it could withstand a nuclear blast. It still powers up, but I’m not getting any bars, and it doesn’t want to connect outgoing calls. However, there’s still water dripping out of it, so I’m not writing it off yet. Let’s hope it recovers. I’m fond of my little workhorse.
Okay, I’ve done a little cleaning in the den, I need to do a little more. Things have kind of reached critical mass in there. Where’s Hercules and his shovel when you need him?