
Archive for March 27th, 2008


March 27th, 2008 6 comments

Ladies and gentlemen, Hell has finally frozen over, and the cows have come sliding home.

I am the #1 nicest lady in the world.

Now that everyone is lulled into a false sense of security, my plan for world domination can commence. Release the hounds!

ETA: Nuts! Apparently I’m #2 in the UK and #3 in Australia. Brits and Aussies, get with the program!

Well, this gives me more time to breed my army of Tasmanian sabertooth badgers.

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Well, won’t this be fun.

March 27th, 2008 32 comments

At last night’s knit night, I wound up telling the tale of the postal clerk several times. Everyone was appropriately outraged, as I was by the time I got there that night. It was pointed out that since it was assault on federal property, it was probably a felony. I love the way my friends leap to my defense. Y’all are great.

The more I think about yesterday’s unpleasantness with the postal worker, the angrier I get. That guy would never have hit a male patron on the head. Ever. And I can’t excuse his behavior as being because he’s a teenager or “of a certain age.” He couldn’t be more than 50, tops. Of course, age isn’t an excuse anyway. My father wouldn’t do that to a strange girl, and he’s – sorry, Dad – close to being “of a certain age.” He’d to it to me, because he’s my dad, but that’s fine. Because he’s my dad. Not some random guy in a store.

He popped me on the head like I was a child. But I’m a 39-year-old woman. Unfortunately, the key there is “woman” which I believe he subconsciously saw as lesser. I’m not going to draw that out. I’m sure you can see where it’s going.

Unfortunately, I’m up at that post office several times a week, and I can’t be seething with rage every time I go in there, so I’m going to have to talk to him. I get that in his mind, we were joking around, and I was smiling at that point, so I’m not going to talk to his boss or be mean. But I do feel that I need to let him know that it’s not really appropriate to pop his customers on the head, and also point out that that kind of behavior in the workplace is a good way to have sexual harassment charges leveled at him. He won’t know if nobody tells him. Fortunately, I don’t mind being the one to say these things when they need to be said.

Still, not exactly big fun. Oh well.

ETA: I just stopped by, and the clerk wasn’t there. However, the new-guy clerk who helped me today gave me a lollipop. Ordinarily, that’d be no big deal, but on the heels of the other, it’s just becoming comedic. It’s me, isn’t it? It’s something about me that says, “I’m eight years old.”

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