I’ve been knitting like a fiend this weekend. When I say I’ve been working on Jayne hat orders that came in on Jan 6-7, understand that ten orders came in on Jan 6-7. It’s not a one to one ratio, where I always get one order a day. Some days, several will come in. Some days, none will. That just happened to be a busy period because it was the tail end of the Donors Choose challenge.
Busy or not, though, earlier this week I had to set aside Jaynes for just one night. I was over at Turtlegirl76’s the other night, and the knitters there were working on her favorite charity, Hats for Alex. They were all making itty bitty Jayne hats. SQUEEEE!! Too adorable. Busy or not, naturally I wanted to put my own work aside and throw my Jayne hat into the ring. So here it is, a creditable baby Jayne. It’s in Vanna’s Choice acrylic kindly loaned to me by YeaIKnit. Size 8 needles. You could probably go up to size 9, I’m just a loose knitter. No ties on the earflaps to get tangled. The orange is kind of brown, but really, the colors aren’t a bad match considering it’s for a baby hat. The yellow isn’t as lemony as it appears here. This is very inexpensive, machine-washable yarn. It’s acrylic, of course, but it gets the job done. I’d say this would fit a 3 month old. I always prefer to knit big, though, since kids don’t exactly get any smaller. I reckon I can post the pattern if there’s interest and if I can figure out where to put it.
Many thanks to Turtlegirl76’s cat Ripple for modeling. Also, for being slow enough to catch. He may be the old man of the house, but that doesn’t mean we can’t rob him of his dignity from time to time.
Speaking of that Donors Choose challenge, I was dropping Emily off at school last week and the music teacher was on car duty, shepherding kids into the building. She was literally jumping up and down with excitement as she told me the xylophones are being delivered this week. Considering that a few weeks ago the playground was torched, that’s a very positive event.
For those concerned, the burned sections of the playground have been removed and the playground reopened, so apparently it wasn’t a total loss. I don’t know about repairs, but at least the kids can play on it again. Sorry for the blurry quality of the pic, I took it this morning as I was dropping Em off at school, and frankly, it looks weird to take photographs of the school while it’s in session. I always think the teachers are going to call the cops or something.
Emily’s Clara Barton obsession continues. Here she is dressed as Clara Barton, jumping out of a tree with two trash bags (old baby blankets) as parachutes. Naughty, naughty Clara Barton.
Here’s a more modern nursing tale that would have Clara Barton beaming with pride. I guess medical personnel have always been daredevils, whether they’re jumping out of trees or running into gunfire. Great to see folks making women’s history this Women’s History Month.
I’m off to rustle up breakfast and knit some more. Hope y’all have a great day!