Welcome to the world of tomorrow!
While watching the Seven Samurai a few days ago, we ran into a problem we’ve run into before. We have a DVD player that works intermittently. We also have a DVD/VHS combo with a non-working DVD player. So we have to play DVDs on our PS2 game system. When it’s a particularly long movie, or when the PS2 has been on a long time and heats up, it stops playing DVDs. We finally wound up putting an ice pack under the machine in order to watch the last half of the movie. I think it was the ice pack that made us decide to get a new DVD player.
And so we did! Behold, the Panasonic DMR-EH75V. It’s a DVD recorder / VCR combo with an 80gig hard drive and the ability to record in all kinds of new and fancy ways. Today we used the TVGuide online function to tell it to record Barney – no setting times up or anything, just “hey, this program’s gonna be on, record it, willya?” It worked like a charm.
We’re still figuring out how everything works, but so far, this thing ROCKS. It’s no TiVo, but I do see what all of y’all with DVRs are going on about now. The remote is easy enough that Emily got the hang of it this morning on the first try. We can rip our old VHS tapes to DVD and hopefully free up some space. It took the place of two non-functioning machines, so that’s a space saver right there. And it will be much easier with this system to get our home movies onto some kind of actual watchable format. This was a little pricier than the budget DVD/VCR combo we might have gone for before, but I think it’s going to prove to be worth the money.
In summer break news, Emily is signed up for the local dance school’s “Little Mermaid Week” now, and is quite excited by the prospect. She looks forward to this dance camp every summer. I think we probably still need one or maybe two more activities to round out the summer, so we don’t both go crazy.
Tomorrrow, my husband and a friend will be driving to Niagara Falls for a meeting of online friends. It won’t just be Emily and me, though. Her Nana has obtained tickets to a stage production of High School Musical and wants to keep her over the weekend for that. Looks like a great start to the summer!