So, question! Here’s the bit I’ve knitted so far on top another one of Emily’s sweaters. Do you think the stripe is too low?
The hills are meant to be uneven. I’m torn on whether they’re too pointy. There will be little flowers embroidered above the green. Bear in mind that the sweater won’t really be laid flat when she’s wearing it.
So: Question!
[Jaedren] Hitting the west side of Crossing with the Goblin Horde very shortly.
[Jaedren] Cue: The Drums.
[Tvini] How come it’s always the drums. How come you never hear the fearsome piping of the War Ocarinas?
[Jaedren] proof, please? “The distant rythymic toot of the war ocarinas can be heard coming from the west.”
[Tvini] You’re crazy.
[Jaedren] proof, please? “The distant rythymic beat of drums can be heard coming from the west.”
[Tvini] That looks fine.
[Jaedren] Heh.