Did I mention that by correcting the issue at the shoulder to follow the pattern exactly, another issue cropped up? That you’re increasing to the same number of stitches on each side, but you’re starting from a different number, so you have to do more rows on one side than another?
This pattern is a giant pain in my tuchus.
Let’s sum up Tracy Chapman’s “Toys To Knit,” shall we?
No gauge given on patterns. Garments can come out badly sized.
Example: these are supposed to be pants, not hip waders.
Poorly phrased instructions lead to confusion on garment construction.
Example: armhole that was apparently supposed to be a neckhole.
No diagrams or detailed pics of finished items to show how to assemble.
Example: elephant man head.
Summary. Pretty pictures do not a good pattern book make. Avoid! Avoid!
Hats up for: New Zealand, New Zealand, and New Zealand.