
Archive for January 12th, 2007

Life in the small business trenches.

January 12th, 2007 No comments

Office Depot had a sale on packing tape – buy two, get one free – so I actually got excited about buying tape. That’s sad enough on its own, but I sprung for a cheap tape gun from the savings. Only it turned out to be not only a really cheap tape gun, but also a really bad tape gun. All the boxes going out today and tomorrow look like they were packed by a poorly trained chimp.

Well, they’re Jayne hats. Maybe I can pass it off as the work of space monkeys.

Next up: TX, OH, and AZ

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And another thing.

January 12th, 2007 4 comments

After the meeting, the mother of the most talkative girl came up to me and kind of smilingly half-apologized for how talkative her daughter was. The mother of the least talkative did the same, for her daughter being so quiet. But both of their daughters were charming and well-behaved.

I’ve been guilty of this too. When my daughter goes around to everybody in the yarn shop and introduces herself and asks what folks’ names are, I’m going to stop with the slightly nervous laughter. She knows not to bother someone when they’re on the phone, and I’m working on teaching her to not bother them in the middle of transactions or conversations, although that’s trickier to figure out. So I’ll keep working with her on that. But overall, she’s fine, and I need to lighten up.

So I’ve resolved to stop being so self-conscious about how my child behaves in public. Apparently it’s like our own bodies, or accents, or anything else we have that’s slightly out of the norm. We’re hyper-sensitive, but nobody else cares, so we all might as well lighten up.

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