That was fun! Yarns Forever was great – the owner really knew her stuff, and I came out of there lighter in the wallet and heavier in the stash.
Bowling was also very fun, and I met some neat people from Greenville. I bowled an average of 81. Er… it’s not whether you win or lose; it’s how you play the game, right?
(By the way, contrary to what my last post may have implied, I really don’t drink. Which is good, because my game was bad enough as it is!)
As I’m completely wiped out now, I’m off to bed. Pictures another time!
Today prostiturtle and I are hitting some yarn stores in upstate South Carolina, then going bowling in Spartanburg with contingents of Browncoats from Charlotte, NC and Greenville, SC. Prepare to be boarded, Greenville! We’ll choke your rivers with our dead! I mean, it should be a nice friendly game!
One of the yarn stores, Yarns Forever, also sells spinning wheels. I may call ahead and see if it’d be possible to get a demo and a chance to spin. Let’s hope this isn’t the beginning of a new hobby.
Found an error in a pattern I’m knitting. It looks like it was probably just a little glitch that got introduced somewhere in the editing process – like maybe an extra line got cut out during formatting or some such. Contacted the designer, who was very nice about it. It’s a super-cute pattern, but I don’t want to say what it is since it’s going to be a gift. I’m very excited about it. I’ll post up the finished object when it’s all done.
(To the tune of the Firefly theme)
Take my shoes, take my lane,
Give me beer, I won’t complain.
Get me drunk so I can’t see,
but you can’t take my balls from me!
Okay, that went a much worse place than I thought it would, so I think I’d best stop there.