Double oy.
“Mommy, I want you to knit me a Bratz doll.”
Did I mention she was killing me? Yeesh.
“Mommy, I want you to knit me a Bratz doll.”
Did I mention she was killing me? Yeesh.
Today, Emily has her holiday Christmas party in school. I asked her last Friday what she did in school, and she told me that they were having the party today, and that she needed to bring napkins. I was THRILLED. This is the first time she’s remembered to relay something that I or she needs to do or bring for school. Just to be sure, I e-mailed the teacher on Monday, and she confirmed that yes, every child is bringing something, and that’s Emily’s job. Emily reminded me about it again on Tuesday. Then yesterday evening, she said, “Mom, do we have napkins?” So we looked, and sure enough, we were out. We went to the store and got some.
When we got home, she said, “there are 18 children in the class,” figuring out how many napkins we’d need without me suggesting it. I said we should probably bring more than 18, just in case someone needed extra. We packed up the napkins in a Ziploc bag and stuck them in her backpack.
I could not be more excited about this. It’s the first time she’s remembered something this long, and followed through on a responsibility on her own to be sure it’s taken care of. I guess Christmas parties are a powerful motivator. This speaks to an ability to focus and remember that is very hopeful and encouraging.
She’s at school now, with a backpack of napkins and a pair of unfelted teal Fuzzyfeet that she picked out the yarn color for. I give Fuzzyfeet to the teacher every year, along with a zippered pillowcase and instructions on how to felt them. I think felting is such a neat, interesting thing to do. This year I was so short on knitting time I had to get an assist from prostiturtle. And yes, I did think very, very hard about just claiming I’d knitted them myself, but I’m just not wired to do that, I guess.
By the way, I can put those pages up as .docs if anybody wants to modify them for their own use. It’s just such a fun gift, I always enjoy doing it.
All Christmas gifts are bought and wrapped, all that remains is to get ingredients for our traditional Christmas dinner – ravioli from scratch. I think I’ll hit the breakfast bar at the big Harris Teeter to celebrate.