
Archive for December 14th, 2006

Ay caramba!

December 14th, 2006 2 comments

My daughter likes to make up words in her own language, “Emilese” and sometimes string together random syllables and ask if they’re words and what they mean. So earlier this week…

Her: Desayuno means “kitten” in Emilese!
Me: Really? You know, I believe that’s a Spanish word, too.
Her, impatiently: Yes, I know. It means breakfast.

Translation: “duh, Mom.” For the record, I do speak passable Spanish, and did freelance editing work at Canal de Noticias NBC before they went belly up. But to my child, it’s “duh, Mom.”

I love that she’s picking this stuff up at school. I only hope this doesn’t mean she’s eating kittens for breakfast.

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