
Archive for June 3rd, 2006

Jayney goodness.

June 3rd, 2006 2 comments

Sent a hat off to Raleigh today to be a prize at the charity screening of Serenity on June 23rd. More info on screenings near you can be found at .

Also sent off three kits to one person in Australia. I had cut her a break on shipping, but unfortunately, three kits in one package came out to over a pound and a half, for more than $15 shipping. Ouch. Well, live and learn.

Sudden upswing in Aussie orders – not sure why that is. Probably because it’s winter there, and let’s face it, there’s no more stylish way to stay warm than in a Jayne hat.

Got a guy out west who wrote a few weeks ago to say his hat never arrived. It showed up back on my doorstep a couple of days later. I’m betting it got delivered to the office of his apartment complex, and since he’s out of town, his roomies didn’t pick it up, so it came back to me. I’ve tried to contact him, but he hasn’t written back. I’m a little worried that since he’s gone for the summer, e-mail where he is is sporadic. If worse comes to worse I can dig up his phone number, but we’ll wait and see. I just hate having his money and his hat just sitting here.

Hat on the needles for Minnesota, then California and New York. Then I’ve got to knit many, many baby outfits! Pregnant friends, just clench up, I can’t keep up with you!

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