
Archive for April 28th, 2006

Thanks, Mom!

April 28th, 2006 8 comments

I wrote back on March 24th about a good experience with educational charity Donors Choose and mentioned that I was looking at possibly doing a contest for another proposal that had touched me.

It was this one, for a teacher who is in a wheelchair and wanted a wheelchair-accessible overhead projector cart so that he or she could write on the ‘blackboard’ and the students would be able to see it. Well, I gave a small amount, and figured I’d dole out the rest periodically and maybe run the contest. However, my loving mother graciously funded the balance on it. So the teacher will get the cart, and will be able to function better in the classroom. A special-needs teacher in a special-needs classroom getting what they need to succeed? I’m feeling good about that.

Thanks, Mom, you’re a wonderful person.

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Dr fun.

April 28th, 2006 4 comments

Heh. I love adding rumors to the Dragonrealms rumor system. It feels so sneaky.

Categories: Dragonrealms Tags:

Behold the power of Jayne!

April 28th, 2006 No comments

“Hey Heather,

I bought a hat from you in the Winter and I love it. I actually found the love of my life with it on myspace. …”

The power of the Jayne hat knows no bounds! It can inspire true love, it can bring a smile to everyone’s lips, it can even keep you warm in Antarctica. If only our world leaders would wear Jayne hats, our problems would be solved in no time!

In other knitting news, my daughter actually asked me to knit something for her. She saw a shop model at Charlotte Yarn and liked it, so I picked up a skein of Southwest Trading Company “Phoenix” which is a 100% soy ribbon yarn. The colorway, appropriately, is “Candy.” The shop model was knit on 13s, but I did it on 11s with a 13 for the bindoff. Smaller needles = smaller stitches = smaller garment for my smaller girl.

It’s straight garter stitch with a few yarn overs at the beginning of each row to add a few stitches. The yarn overs make the larger holes, and they also make it grow gently so that it’s got a more curved shape instead of being a rectangle. There was one knot in the skein, when I wouldn’t expect any in a skein of yarn that retails for $12.50. Because it’s for a seven-year-old who won’t care about details, I just knotted the ends and didn’t bother with anything fancy. I also just did a regular bind-off, when a suspended bind-off would probably have been better for a looser edge. Eh, whatever, she’s very happy with it and doesn’t want to take it off.

I saw The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou a couple of days ago. Very enjoyable. Odd, but enjoyable. It seemed detached from itself sometimes, but at a key moment in the film, I was literally leaning forward in my seat to try to catch a better look. Not for everyone, I think, but still I recommend it. And the movie proves once again that Willem DaFoe is a fantastic actor.

Back to the Jayne mines! Hat on the needles for Ohio, next up are Maryland, Florida, and Ohio again.