I already knew this.
Autism research: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4661402.stm
Confirms what I had already suspected, and I think many others had as well.
And it does seem to bear out, even going back a generation. My mother’s side of the family does tend toward the analytical, and my husband’s father is an engineer.
It prompted this conversation online between myself and my computer geek hubby:
Tvini: I have long felt this to be true, that there’s got to be a link there.
Mr. Tvini: Me too.
Tvini: However, having said that.. have you seen our house? In what world is my housekeeping the mark of a “systemizer?”
Mr. Tvini: Heh, no, not there, but you have stayed until unghodly hours of the night (morning) working on a promo.
Tvini: I hadn’t looked at it in those terms before, but you’re right.
Mr. Tvini: We’re the perfect storm, baby (heh)