
Archive for December 22nd, 2005

We’re everywhere.

December 22nd, 2005 10 comments

So I’m on line at Borders at 10:30 at night BECAUSE AMAZON SCREWED UP MY ORDER and the checkout guy looks at my chest and goes, “No way.”

Now, I’ve had a lot of reactions from men toward my chest, but “no way” is probably the most deflating, no pun intended.

Then I realize I’m wearing my Blue Sun shirt. Aha! So I was able to say, “Yes, and not only that, but I’m knitting a Jayne hat!” So I had to pull it out and show it to him, and we gushed over Firefly for a few minutes, and tried to get nearby people to watch the show – you know, all the stuff that Browncoats do when we meet. Converting someone is our version of a secret handshake.

He seemed totally psyched about the hat, so I gave him my card. He was even more psyched about the shirt. I couldn’t remember at the time where I got it, but now I recall it was

It was a nice little interaction that made the evening better.

Browncoats is the nicest peoples.

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Amazon, you suck.

December 22nd, 2005 20 comments

After reading ‘s tale of woe, I feel inspired to post mine.

I’m still waiting for eleven books I ordered on the 16th. They’re part of a larger order that was split into three shipments, which is fine. Hey, that means they’re trying to get it all out of the door as quickly as they can, right? Well, two shipments have arrived. According to my account, the third is still waiting. In what world does “two day delivery” mean “waiting to be shipped six days later?” And according to the info at the top of the account, it can’t be cancelled, it can only be returned. Which makes zero sense to me if it’s still physically sitting on their property. I would have HAPPILY removed whatever one book is holding it up immediately had I realized, but it’s damn hard to see what part is gumming up the works, so how the hell was I supposed to figure that out?

All I know is that I’m short eleven children’s books, and I leave town to meet those children tomorrow morning. Which means I have to go to my local bookstore and brave the crowds tonight, buying the exact same books I’ve already paid for.

Can only be returned? Damn right it’ll be returned. And neither I nor my credit card will darken their door again.

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Knitti graffiti and other acts of urban weirdness.

December 22nd, 2005 No comments

‘Taggers’ tag local objects with knitting.

I wonder if they need a Charlotte branch.

Reminds me of the sign someone put up in 2002 at the intersection of Park and Sharon. It was up pretty high, and looked perfect. So perfect, and so high, that either nobody else noticed it or nobody felt like shimmying up there to take it down. It stayed up for about two years. Look at the far away view (I took this in 2002) and you’ll see why it might have gone unnoticed.

I actually went to try to see the landmark several times. I didn’t notice any tear in the space/time continuum. However, something about driving down that road played hell with my car’s dilithium crystal matrix, so I had to stop. Also, I would emerge on the other side several hours late for appointments. Oh, and once I did see someone who looked exactly like me driving the other direction, and as they passed I noticed they had a goatee. Aside from that, though, nothing.

There’s still another sign at the intersection of Park and Seneca that reads “Cameron Yards.” Based on this, I’m guessing that these guys are responsible. I have no clue what the heck that’s all about, but I thank them for making me snicker every time I passed Park and Sharon for two years.

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