Curse you, knitting gods!
The good: I just got Jayne hat order number 50!
The bad: I just sliced my finger on a hidden knife while doing dishes.
The good: I just got Jayne hat order number 50!
The bad: I just sliced my finger on a hidden knife while doing dishes.
So, I’m trying to choose which to sell for Katrina. Any opinions?
ETA: I decided to do all three. In for a penny, in for a pound, eh?
I’m changing the focus of the Donors Choose yarn contest, at least for a while. The kids in the Bronx will get by okay without learning how to knit, I believe Katrina is a bigger challenge.
I read a post from a former colleague of mine,
Donors Choose is putting all general funds toward Katrina proposals for the next week, and that strikes me as a good use of time and money. So donate, probably get some yarn, definitely help a kid.