
Archive for August 17th, 2005


August 17th, 2005 10 comments

I guess the antidote to “I”m having an awful time of it” is “but I have people around me who care.”

The friend I visited in Maryland just sent me a little care package. She said she was feeling bad because I was so obviously tired, yet they dragged me all around Annapolis, and she was sorry she tried to pack so much into the trip. Honest to God, I was happy as long as I was with our friends, but it was a very sweet thought.

While we were in Annapolis, I admired a pair of earrings. My friend noted it wasn’t my usual style (aka, minimal to none) and I agreed, and said I didn’t know what it was about them, I just really liked them. We moved along.

Well, apparently she went back and bought the earrings as a “thank you for letting us drag you all over” even though it wasn’t necessary. I don’t know if she slipped away when I wasn’t looking, or if she bundled up her kids and drove across the Bay bridge and went through 20 kinds of crap to get them, but either way, it was a very sweet gesture.

Here they be.

And here they be on. I really do own more than just that one shirt, honest.

I’m lucky to have people like this around me.

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