
Archive for July 22nd, 2005

There’s George!

July 22nd, 2005 No comments

My mom got me a Where’s George stamp! I’m so excited! I’m going to stamp all the money in the house.

Thanks, Mom!

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Tales from the back channel.

July 22nd, 2005 6 comments

Because I’m hopped up on super-sugary coffee drink, more GM stuff as we troubleshoot a problem.

[Aiwendel] For some reason weapons are moving into my inventory… stranger than strange
[Tvini] Are you carrying a giant magnet?
[Aiwendel] Nope.
[Tvini] Wearing a big bullseye?
[Aiwendel] Sometimes, but not today.
[Tvini] Insulting Kalag’s mother?
[Aiwendel] Even I’m not that dumb.
[Tvini] Then I got nothin’. Good luck.

(Yes, later we did seriously work on figuring it out. We actually do some work, you know.) 🙂

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July 22nd, 2005 12 comments

Today, I managed to send a cheery “Morning!” to the entire game instead of just to the GM staff. Followed promptly by an “Ignore that, please.”

And this was *after* my coffee. I gotta get more sleep. Well, at least I amused the 10 or so people who reported back with a cheery “Good morning!” of their own.

Eh, eight years in the game, this is the first time I’ve broadcast to the entire game by accident. I guess that’s not so bad.

Could be worse. I know a GM who broadcast his home phone number once. D’oh!

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